Martin Guggisberg

I am researcher and lecturer at the University of Applied Sciences and Arts Northwestern Switzerland FHNW. My research interests lie in the fields of applied math, data science, web computing, augmented and virtual reality. Further interests lies in Open Science and Open Data. Within these fields, my current research projects investigate technologies for smart cities and methods for solving different optimization problems.

Martin Guggisberg
University of Applied Sciences and Arts Northwestern Switzerland FHNW


twiter: @mgje
Linked: martinguggisberg
github: mgje


Research & development projects

  • HUVis Hybrid Urban Visualization A survey of basic questions about spatial planning led to the research project Hybrid Urban Visualization (HUVis), which was co-financed by the Swiss Commission for Technology and Innovation (CTI). The functional requirements were defined in an interdisciplinary team composed of architects, spatial planners, 3D visualization specialists and web front end developers. On the one hand, professionals should be able to generate static visualizations of future buildings from different perspectives in a simple way. On the other hand, planned buildings are to be made experienceable for the ordinary citizen.
  • European Music Portfolio - Maths (EMP-M): Sounding Ways into Mathematics It develops innovative and creative approaches to make the learning of mathematics (and music) more interesting, inquiry-based and engaging. This approach can have particular benefits for low achievers and students at risk. The project aims to enhance the quality and European dimension of in-service and initial teacher training courses by introducing a tested training curriculum dealing with interdisciplinary approaches to the teaching and learning of both mathematics and music.
  • Entwicklung und Erarbeitung von Informatik-Inhalten Within the scope of this development project, learning material for computer science is being developed. With the help of interactive and intuitive learning material young people can understand some central concepts of computer science.A modular content design allows the teachers to use the learning material flexibly and for different levels.

Past research projects

  • LiLa - Library of Labs LiLa is an acronym for ‚Library of Labs‘ , an initiative of eight universities and three companies, which aims at developing an integrated platform for remote experiments and virtual laboratories. LiLa was co-funded by the eContentplus programme of the European Commission.
  • lifeClipper 2 The development of Augmented Reality (AR) scenarios for tourism and project visualisations were the objectives of lifeClipper 2. The project invited to a virtual extended walk in the area of the novartis campus in Basel. A set of sensors was designed for tracking the accurate position and the precise direction of view. The hybrid tracking system consisted of a GPS receiver, 3-D acceleration sensor and 3-D compass.
  • Nano-World - A Virtual Nanoscience Laboratory Nano-World is a virtual laboratory for nano science experiments. The multidisciplinary field of nanoscience draws on chemistry, physics and biology to investigate phenomena at the atomic and molecular level. As in a flight simulator, students find out how to handle new methods and instruments. They learn how atoms can be made visible, deduce physical properties from the tests and become familiar with the measuring processes.

Open and interactive

Open Science represents a new approach to the scientific process, based on cooperative work and new ways of diffusing knowledge by using digital technologies and new collaborative tools.

Scientific Computing with JuPyter notebooks

Teaching Computer Science with interactive material


HTML5 Slides (recent talks)


Researcher profil

Publications in peer-reviewed journals (selection)

  • Burkhart, H., Guggisberg, M. (2016), Grenzgänge zwischen Fiktion und Wirklichkeit – Technologien für eine partizipative Raumplanung. Erscheint in: Andreas Meier und Edy Portmann (Hrsg.), Smart City – Strategie, Governance & Projekte, Springer International Publishing.
  • Guggisberg, M. (2016): Mathematisches Experimentieren mit „Jupyter notebook“ - Forschendes Lernen in der Sek II. Erscheint in: Beiträge zum Mathematikunterricht 2016, 50. Jahrestagung der Gesellschaft für Didaktik der Mathematik in Heidelberg.
  • Guggisberg M., Linnemann T., Trachsler B. (2015). Forschendes Lernen mit Hilfe von Optimierungsaufgaben am Beispiel eines klassischen Lokalisierungsproblems. Erscheint in: Linneweber-Lammerskitten (Hrsg.), Beiträge zum Mathematikunterricht 2015. Münster: WTM-Verlag
  • Gressly Freimann, P. & Guggisberg, M. (2011) Programmieren lernen. Aufgaben für den Informatikunterricht - Sekundarstufe II. Orell Füssli: Zürich.
  • Müller, F., Guggisberg, M., Burkhart, H., & Gyalog, T. (2010, April). Nano-World: A showcase suite for technology-enhanced learning. In Education Engineering (EDUCON), 2010 IEEE (pp. 1075-1080). IEEE.
  • Guggisberg, M., Fornaro, P., Smith, A., Gyalog, T., Wattinger, C., & Burkhart, H. (2003). Collaborative nanoscience laboratory with integrated learning modules. CHIMIA International Journal for Chemistry, 57(3), 128-132.
  • Guggisberg, M., Fornaro, P., Gyalog, T., & Burkhart, H. (2003). An interdisciplinary virtual laboratory on nanoscience. Future Generation Computer Systems, 19(1), 133-141.
  • Guggisberg, M., Bammerlin, M., Loppacher, C., Pfeiffer, O., Abdurixit, A., Barwich, V., Bennewitz, R., Baratoff, A., Meyer, E. & Güntherodt, H. J. (2000). Separation of interactions by noncontact force microscopy. Physical Review B, 61(16), 11151.

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Sphere packing - stacking pyramids

Space filling with tetraeders and octaeders I

Space filling with tetraeders and octaeders II



Martin Guggisberg, 4057 Basel, Schweiz


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